Lesley and her team are currently piloting a teacher professional development program in the San Francisco Bay Area that brings educators and scientists together to provide unique opportunities for teachers and administrators to "do science" in national, university, and industry labs. Educators gain hands on experience and instructional coaching to bring the learning back into their classrooms and scientists gain expert coaching from educators about how to communicate their science to a wider audience.
Space textbook supporting the goals of Space Prize, a non-profit committed to sending young girls ages 15-18 to space.
NGSS aligned cybersecurity curriculum through a United States Department of the Navy grant.
Short-form learning videos for Gen-Z students.
Curriculum development for a CTE and NGSS aligned high school biotechnology curriculum.
Curriculum development for CTE and NGSS aligned elementary, middle, and high school aerospace curriculum.
Curriculum development for semiconductor industry for elementary, middle, and high school.
Curriculum development for project-based and NGSS aligned high school space curriculum.
Curriculum development for NGSS and SDG aligned middle school BlueTech marine science curriculum.
Curriculum development for integrated core day and after school elementary, middle, and high school science and ELA curriculum.
NGSS AlignedThe California Next Generation Science Standards allow students to engage in science by building on science and engineering practices developed into every day lessons and overall sequencing.
CTE AlignedCareer Technical Education alignment enhances student connection to authentic learning by providing students with access to technical skills through hands-on labs with an emphasis on industry work force development.
Project-BasedProject-based lessons are sequenced on roughly a 10 week project-based unit with engaging entry events that connect students to real world problems through 21st century learning and lab experience.